Design Portfolio

Take a tour of my design work. Some sites were crafted for clients, some for course projects, and others for personal practice. All projects exemplify responsive design, so feel free to view them on desktop, tablet, and mobile!

HTML and CSS Project

This was an HTML/CSS course project for a fictitious tour company. Given the images, content, and some client direction, I came up with this design. A flat, professional but friendly look.

Highlights: responsive design, dropdown and hamburger menu, automatic/manual slideshow, user-friendly forms

CSS and LESS Project

This page is the result of my CSS/Preprocessor course, in which I studied layout techniques, mobile-first design, and the LESS preprocessor language to make coding more efficient.

Highlights: responsive design, hamburger menu, grid layout, progressive enhancement (mobile-first) design, LESS preprocessor.

Wordpress Project

This was my WordPress course project, showcasing what I learned about themes, plugins, widgets, web administration, posting media, and more. Guidlines for the project specified what types of WP tools to use; the site's content is original and fictious.

Highlights: Customized theme, content restriction and user management, members forum, store locator with Google Maps, slideshow, embedded media, blog.

Design D

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Design E

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec a tellus in lacus semper accumsan. Morbi in congue est. Quisque gravida tempus odio in tristique. Integer dictum dui sed pharetra sagittis. Vestibulum ac ullamcorper mi. Phasellus rhoncus vulputate magna ac porttitor.

Design F

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec a tellus in lacus semper accumsan. Morbi in congue est. Quisque gravida tempus odio in tristique. Integer dictum dui sed pharetra sagittis. Vestibulum ac ullamcorper mi. Phasellus rhoncus vulputate magna ac porttitor.