Orchard Care Class: Part 2 of 2

Wednesday, 27 mar 2019, 6:00PM–8:00PM
hollywood apple orchard • NE 36th Ave, Portland, OR 97212


Thinking about starting an orchard? While trees are less delicate than smaller plants, they do take some work, especially as saplings. This two-part class will provide you with the ins and outs of proper orchard management, including space considerations, watering needs, splinting, pruning, and organic pest control. The class will be taught by Robert Glen, Assistant Steward of the Hollywood Apple Orchard. Robert will also guide the participants on a tour of the orchard to illustrate the ideas presented.

[This is a fictitious post for a fictitious site. The information described above is not real. Referenced names are also fictitious.]


Control Insects without Pesticides

Jessica Walliser, guest on the Urban Farm Podcast with Greg Peterson, shares her experience as a professional landscaper and pesticide applicator and her drastic change to approaching pest control naturally. By understanding how your garden ecosystem works, including the role and behavior of insects, you can learn to attract the desirable bugs and deter the unwanted. Here’s an excerpt from Greg and Jessica’s conversation:




Orchard Care Class: Part 1 of 2

Wednesday, 20 Feb 2019, 6:00PM–8:00PM
hollywood apple orchard • NE 36th Ave, Portland, OR 97212


Thinking about starting an orchard? While trees are less delicate than smaller plants, they do take some work, especially as saplings. This two-part class will provide you with the ins and outs of proper orchard management, including space considerations, watering needs, splinting, pruning, and organic pest control. The class will be taught by Robert Glen, Assistant Steward of the Hollywood Apple Orchard. Robert will also guide the participants on a tour of the orchard to illustrate the ideas presented.

[This is a fictitious post for a fictitious site. The information described above is not real. Referenced names are also fictitious.]